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Creating Value & How to (actually) Do It

‘Creating Value’ is a term used by many consultancy marketing teams to help sell their services, but what does ‘Creating Value’ really mean in practice? If you are a consultant, how do you deliver this value, and if you are a client, how are your consultants and suppliers really showing that they are creating value for you?

With 30 years of experience in the construction industry across multiple sectors, and having worked as a client, franchisee and consultant for many UK wide and global companies, I too often hear the ‘falling short of expectation’ moan.

So, is ‘Creating Value’ just about expectation? Every consultant should deliver to expectation and fill the client confidence bucket up, but I feel you need to do much more to add and create value. Managing and delivering to expectation is vital in cementing the trust of the client but it’s not necessarily creating value. Delivering to expectation is just completing the job you are being paid to deliver well. If you are not doing that, and you are not close enough to your client to ask for honest feedback, then watch out!

I believe ‘Creating Value’ requires planning and focus for both parties. It involves the consultant really knowing and understanding their client, their team, vision, mission, business operations, governance process, acceptability to change and future strategy. It also requires the consultancy to be open and honest about their own operations, capabilities and personnel. Right people, right team, right job. Change on both sides can create value. Maintaining a mindset and constant commitment to look for improvements in every aspect is vital. You also need to be aware of the limitations of all these elements. A week link is an opportunity to deliver or create value, but you must also balance the level of time, effort and commitment required to make this positive change and whether it is worth it. Running against a brick wall is just going to hurt, no matter how many times you do it!

Creating value is also not just about financial improvements or winning deals, although this is a great way to start. It is a much more holistic achievement. Previous experience, new ideas, new angles, all help go the extra mile. Lateral thinking and collective brainstorms all help, but generally I have found that the best way of creating value is to keep it simple. Focus on the solution required and work the resource around the solution, not the other way around.

Creating value through teamwork, simplifying systems and processes and this simple change will create the biggest value for a client. Maintain an open mindset and constant commitment to look for improvements and be prepared to drop your ego at the door. We only learn by making mistakes. So admit yours.

The famous golfer Tiger Woods’ father always said to him KISS, Keep it simple stupid. It worked for him so it may work for you.....

Midmer Ltd is a growing construction consultancy and trusted client agent across logistics, retail, hospitality, education, public and charity sectors. Our niche is creating and driving change and improvement in projects, programmes, strategy, process and teams. We are experts at creating value and positive change. 

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